
Top 5 Most Important Parts of a Resume

There are some things about a resume that are common to all; these things include your name, your Email address, your contact information, your experience, your skills, and your qualifications. However, there are many other things about a resume that are common, and you might need to choose whether to include them or not. What you include in your resume and how much space you give to that part make a huge difference.

You will decide this on the basis of the job you are applying to, your career level of experience, and other information about your profile. Whenever you are planning to write a resume and you are stuck with the thought of what to include and what not to include, the best thing is to tell a story through your resume that reflects your whole personality and tells the employer what you are offering to the role.

These are a few of the important pieces of information that you should include in your resume:

Contact information:

You may be going for any type of format, any rap for, and you might decide to exclude something or include others, but including your contact information is one of the most, or rather the most, important part of the resume because how will the employer, after all, contact you? So always remember to include your name, your phone number, your email address, and if you have a LinkedIn profile, which you should nowadays.

Some Examples of resume that show that you should write your home address, your city, and state and everything, but these things are optional in case you are relocating to the city or state, or you live near the place where the job is, then you can mention it.


Your past experience is the main part of your resume that often takes up most of the place. The experience section is sometimes also known as professional experience, and it tells about any jobs and internships that you have done through the past years. If you have worked in a lot of jobs that are not relevant, you can exempt adding them when applying for a specific position which is not relevant to that experience. You can write your experience in various formats, but I would suggest that the best format is the chronological resume format. The jobs should all be listed in a reverse chronological order. You can tell about your experience by mentioning your position, the name of the organization, the dates you worked for them, and where that company is located. You can write about what you did in that specific job in bullet points and tell about your achievements.


If you are an entry-level candidate, then you must place your education above your experience. In most of the resumes, the education is placed later on. Your educational background shows which college you have attended and what degree you have, which will tell the employer how fit you are for the position. You can also mention licenses, certification courses, and other such things if you have done. Some people also include their GPA and academic awards along with their educational details.


Your skills are one of the most important parts of your resume because every industry requires specific types of skills. For example, if you are going into a job related to Engineering, your skills will decide what sort of job you are perfect for. Similarly, this applies to all other areas. If a person is going for a design job, they must have skills like Photoshop and other relevant tools. Avoid using generic words to describe your skills. Instead, focus on highlighting your actual skills and how you can stand out in the job positions. Sometimes, job postings have specific skills mentioned in their offers that they are looking for. Ensuring that your resume contains matching and relevant skills to the job will increase the chances of getting selected through the ATS system.

Licenses and certification:

For some specific job positions like nursing, teaching, and accounting, you might need specific certificates or licenses to qualify for the job. In other situations, companies may ask for a particular license or certificate for a specific job role. Whatever the case may be, you should include your license in your resume. This will make you stand out from other candidates. The licenses and certifications section can either be a subsection of your educational information or a separate section.

Deciding what information to include depends on the type of job you are applying for. Always try to include relevant data in your resume each time you apply for a job.

Let me tell you what not to include on your resume:

Objective statement:

People often use resume objectives that seem like the objective of your resume is to get the job. Instead, the resume is supposed to depict your personality. So, I would suggest including a professional summary.


Never include the direct contact information of the persons you have listed as references. Rather, write “references available upon request.”

Do not try to cheat the ATS, which is the applicant tracking system, by using white space and pasting all the keywords there and other similar tactics. This will get caught, and your resume will get rejected.


There are many other things that you can include in your resume, but the above-stated points are a few of the most important ones that I believe you should include in your resume. Other potential additions include your cover letter resume summary, resume headline, awards you have received, special projects you might have done, volunteer work, and involvement in clubs or activities. However, when applying for a job, try to include data that is relevant to the job position and avoid adding random data. Avoid creating an extensive resume with unnecessary information. Keep the formatting professional, use a professional font, and avoid using graphic design or generic templates. By following the above-given steps, hopefully, you will be able to find your dream job.

Contact us for resume writing services if you need any more help.