
5 Common Mistakes When Searching for a Job in the UAE

You’ve submitted applications for ten different job vacancies, but not a single employer has called you back. While looking for a job can be stressful and exasperating, there may be some mistakes you are making that you can easily correct to increase your chances of getting a second interview.

In order to learn more about the typical errors they encounter in job applications and to get their best advice for job seekers in the UAE, Gulf News consulted with recruiting specialists in the UAE.

First and foremost, even if you believe you are the ideal candidate for a position, it is crucial to not be too hard on yourself if you do not receive a call back. There are situations when a recruiter or organization may not have properly publicized a job position.

However, there are several errors that can reduce your probability of being chosen from a sea of competing job applications. Here are the top five errors that you can be making in your bio-data, CV (Curriculum Vitae), or overall job search strategy that are lowering your likelihood of receiving a call back.

The five most frequent errors that hinder when you are searching a job in UAE must be taken into account if you want to find a job that enhances both your life and your career. It’s critical to be aware of any behaviors you are taking that might be jeopardizing your ability to land a fantastic work opportunity.

1. Applying for any job at random

When looking for a career in Dubai, one of the most frequent mistakes job seekers do is applying for positions for which they are ineligible. There is no rule stating that applying to more jobs will increase your likelihood of landing your dream job in Dubai. In actuality, it takes more time to apply for any job at random.
For instance, there is no purpose in submitting an application for a job in the UAE when the language requirement is fluency in Arabic if you do not speak the language. As a result, you should refrain from applying for any unrelated jobs, especially if you are unqualified. You should exercise caution before applying for any employment.

2. Lying on your resume or omitting information

Many job applicants in the UAE include false information about their education, work experience, or previous employment when submitting a job application. It is never a good idea to lie to a potential employer since doing so might lead to a situation where there is mistrust if you find out at a later point in your career. The likelihood that your application will be rejected when our employer conducts a background check increases if you omit to disclose information on your resume.

3. Ineffective communication

Another error that could seriously hinder your successful job hunt is improper communication with your recruiter in the UAE. A thoughtless follow-up or a tardy email response to the recruiter are two instances of poor communication.

Following up with your employers is crucial since it reaffirms your interest in the position. At any point during the employment process, you must respond promptly to the hiring manager.

Inadequate communication with your employers also occurs when you neglect to give the recruiter your current or accurate contact information, such as your phone number and email address. If your professional email address and phone number are incorrect, it’s likely that the recruiter won’t be able to contact you and you’ll miss a great opportunity. Finally, writing a “Thank You Letter” after your recruiter is a crucial step in making sure the follow-up happens.

4. Sending a CV without request

By sending a standard, unsolicited CV, your chances of being rejected by recruiters in the UAE considerably improve. If you haven’t tailored your CV to the job requirements, the application tracking system (ATS) won’t shortlist your CV. Sending an unsolicited CV is something that every job seeker should avoid doing.

5. Including pointless details

It is crucial to realize that a recruiter in the UAE will not spend a short amount of time reviewing a CV. Including unneeded material on your resume can cause the employer to overlook important details. It not only lengthens the CV but also reduces the opportunity for the recruiter to ask for more information. Giving concise information that is pertinent to the position you are looking for should be your main focus. An unneeded addition to your CV raises a warning sign for the hiring manager right away. To get a professional CV, try using a professional CV writing company.

The ideal procedures to adopt

Here are some best practices you should use in your job search to improve the outcomes of your application materials now that you are more aware of what you shouldn’t do while applying for a job.

1. Limit your CV to two pages.

According to a global recruitment specialist, candidates should pay close attention to their CVs and make sure they are grammatically and spelling error-free.

“It’s crucial that your CV be brief. When possible, limit yourself to two pages, she advised.

List your major accomplishments in each function as opposed to just your obligations and duties at work. Make sure your CV is well-structured, add the month and year of each of your prior employment dates, and proofread it for grammar and spelling errors. Do not forget that your resume serves as a potential employer’s initial impression of you.

2. Create a customized resume wherever possible.

Highlighting your expertise and talents that are most relevant to the job you’re going for can be quite helpful because you need to keep the CV succinct. Save the other details for a subsequent interview. A generic CV will by default be longer.

It’s crucial to read the job description carefully and comprehend the requirements because it can be tempting to apply for a position based solely on the job title. Examine the job description and emphasize your experience in accordance with it.

Keywords are what an employer looks for when reviewing a resume.

3. Before requesting a direct placement, research the business.

A targeted approach can be greatly aided by having a solid understanding of a company’s culture and values. You can determine whether the organization is the best fit for you by conducting the study.

Research the firm if it enables direct applications. Take a look at the culture, vision, and values to see if they coincide with your own.

When you go in for a follow-up interview, this study may also enable you to establish a stronger rapport.

4. Submit your resume to reputable job boards.

If you are uploading your resume on online job boards, quickly scan the web for reviews to see if the employment board is reputable. To maximize the effectiveness of your job search, this can also help you connect with the suitable recruiters.

You can perhaps improve your outcomes and land the job of your dreams by adhering to these dos and don’ts.