

How to Write a Technical Resume?

Technology is best when it brings people together.Writing a resume for technical sector can be difficult in the beginning, but once you start writing it and getting to know more about it, it becomes easier. In this Blog, we are going to help you to write a technical resume and we wil tell you what all things are necessary to add while writing a resume for a Technical Professional.

What are the type of formats Available?

Chronological Resume

This format is ideal for individuals with a consistent work history and a clear career progression. It emphasizes steady employment, career growth, and long-term commitment to previous roles. Recruiters find chronological resumes easy to follow, making it a popular choice for applicants in traditional industries where continuity and stability are valued.

Functional Resume Format

A Functional resume highlights your skills, qualifications, and accomplishments. This format is particularly useful for people with fluctuating work histories, career changers, or those re-entering the workforce after a break. Some employers and employers may not like functional resumes as ithides employment gaps or create suspicion about a candidate’s work history.

Combination (Hybrid) Resume Format

The combination resume format gives you a balance between the chronological and functional formats. It starts with a summary of qualifications and skills, followed by a chronological list of work experience. This format is versatile and effectively showcases both your professional history and your qualifications. It allows you to emphasize your relevant skills and achievements and at the same time it also presents a chronological work history.

Recruiters don’t have a lot of time to read long resumes. In fact, they only spend about 20 to 30 seconds looking at each one. So, it’s essential to make your resume well-organized, easy to read, and put your most important skills and accomplishments right at the top of the first page. Recruiters quickly scan for skills and experience that match the job they’re hiring for. Make it easy for them to see that you’re a perfect fit for the role.


Using the same resume for every job won’t work. You need to customize your resume for each job you apply to by carefully reading the job description. Include the skills and qualifications mentioned in the job posting in your resume. Customizing your resume not only increases your chances of getting noticed but also shows your genuine interest in the job.


Listing your technical skills and tools is important. You must explain how you’ve used these tools in your previous jobs. Don’t say, “I’m good at Java and Linux,” describe how you used them to create a specific project or complete a task. You can even rank your skill level from beginner to expert to give a clear picture of your abilities.


Make sure your resume is free of typos and grammatical errors. Avoid mentioning the wrong company or using confusing technical terms. It’s crucial to spell out technical words clearly because their meanings can vary between companies. Paying attention to detail shows that you’re a true professional.Recruiters recommend keeping your resume short and sweet. Two pages are usually enough because long resumes can be overwhelming. Make sure the first part of your resume on the first page catches the recruiter’s eye. Focus on presenting the most important information concisely.



Dedicated and results-driven Technical Professional with over 7 years of experience in software development, specializing in full-stack web development. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver innovative solutions that meet client needs. Seeking a challenging role to leverage my technical expertise and problem-solving skills.

Summary of Qualifications:

– Proficient in multiple programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and Java.

– Extensive experience with front-end technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript frameworks like React.

– Strong knowledge of back-end development using Node.js and Python Django.

– Familiarity with database management systems, including MySQL and MongoDB.

– Proven ability to design, develop, and deploy web applications from concept to completion.

– Solid understanding of software development methodologies, including Agile and Scrum.

– Excellent problem-solving and debugging skills, with a keen attention to detail.

– Effective communicator with a track record of collaborating with diverse teams to achieve project goals.

Professional Experience:

Software Developer

XYZ Tech Solutions, Anytown, USA

[Month Year – Present]

– Collaborate with cross-functional teams to develop and maintain web applications that meet client specifications and project requirements.

– Lead the design and implementation of user-friendly and responsive front-end interfaces using React, HTML5, and CSS3.

– Develop and maintain back-end services and APIs using Node.js, Express, and Python Django.

– Manage databases, including designing schemas, writing optimized queries, and ensuring data integrity.

– Implement security best practices, including user authentication and authorization mechanisms.

– Conduct code reviews, identify performance bottlenecks, and optimize application performance.

– Collaborate with quality assurance teams to ensure the delivery of bug-free and high-quality software.

– Participate in Agile development processes, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives.

Software Engineer

ABC Software, Another City, USA

[Month Year – Month Year]

– Contributed to the development of a cloud-based SaaS platform, working closely with a team of engineers to deliver new features and enhancements.

– Utilized Python and Django to build back-end APIs, enabling seamless integration with third-party services.

– Designed and implemented RESTful APIs to facilitate communication between various system components.

– Developed and maintained responsive web interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks.

– Collaborated with product managers and UX designers to ensure a user-centric approach to software development.

– Conducted unit and integration testing to identify and resolve software defects.

– Assisted in code refactoring and performance optimization efforts.

– Documented codebase, APIs, and technical specifications to aid in knowledge sharing within the team.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

University of Technology, Anytown, USA

[Month Year – Month Year]


– Certified Full-Stack Developer (XYZ Certification)

– AWS Certified Developer – Associate


– Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, Java

– Front-End Technologies: React, HTML5, CSS3

– Back-End Technologies: Node.js, Express, Django

– Databases: MySQL, MongoDB

– Version Control: Git

– Agile Methodologies: Scrum, Agile

– Problem-Solving: Debugging, Troubleshooting

– Collaboration: Teamwork, Communication


Available upon request.


Writing a resume for a technical professional can be difficult but its not impossible. Writing an effective resume is a very important step in your job search journey. Finding a resume service that suits your need is very crucial. We at Learnwithfaiz, provide the best resume writing services. Contact us today to know more!

Read also : Top resume writing service in Dubai!