
7 Things To Remove From Your Resume Today

People often write their resumes without considering what is necessary and what is not. A well-structured and focused resume can make a lot of difference in and help you in getting the right Job. However, it’s not just about what you include but more importantly about what you should remove and what to never include. In this article, we will tell you how to refine your resume and the seven useless things that need to be removed for a more precise and to the point effective resume.

Table of Contents

1.  An Objective

Traditionally, resumes often started with a section titled “Objective.” This section allowed candidates to state their career goals and aspirations. However, over the years, the “Objective” section has lost its importance and has become over used. Objective statements are seen as very generic and uninspiring. They typically include statements like, “Seeking a challenging position that utilizes my skills and abilities,” which is almost same for all candidates! Replace the old “Objective” section with a new and engaging “Executive Summary” or “Who I Am” section. This will instead make a strong first impression by highlighting your unique value proposition. You need to tell why you are a perfect fit for the job and what sets you apart from the competition.

For example, if you are looking for a position in Dubai, you can say, “A results-driven professional with a track record of success in the Dubai job market, offering extensive experience in [your field].”

2. Weird or Irrelevant Interests

Most of the times, your hobbies and interests can provide some insight into your personality, it’s important to be selective about what you include on your resume.Listing unusual or quite irrelevant interests may inadvertently alienate the recruiter or hiring manager if they have a different point of view. It’s best to avoid including hobbies that could cause unnecessary judgment.Only include interests that are directly relevant to the job or that support your overall professional image. For instance, if you’re applying for a position in Dubai, mentioning your deep appreciation for Dubai’s culture and history can be a relevant and engaging point of conversation.

3. Third-Person Voice

Using the third-person voice on your resume was once considered formal and professional. However, times have changed, and modern resumes have evolved to favour a more personal approach. Writing your resume in the third person can come across as overly formal and even create a bad impression. It can distance you from the reader and make the document less engaging. Write your resume in the first person. You don’t need to use pronouns like “I” or “me.” Instead, craft concise statements that highlight your accomplishments and contributions. For example, instead of saying, “John raised more than $70,000 for the organization,” you can write, “Raised more than $70,000 for the organization.”This approach is more engaging.

4. Work Email Address

Your email address plays a crucial role in your job search. Using your current work email can send the wrong message. Using your work email implies that you’re conducting your job search on company time, which is unprofessional and could jeopardize your current position. Use a personal email address for all your job search-related communications. Ensure that your email address is professional and includes your name. If you’re applying for a job in Dubai, consider using an email address that reflects your connection to the region, such as “YourNameDubai@gmail.com.”

5. Unnecessarily Big Words

Sometimes, candidates overcomplicate their resumes by using extensive vocabulary or technical jargon. Using big words or complex terminology can make your resume harder to read and understand. It’s essential to communicate clearly and concisely. You should always Opt for simplicity. Ask yourself if you would naturally use those words in a conversation. If not, replace them with simpler, more straightforward language. For example, instead of “utilize,” use “use.” Instead of “append,” use “add.” Keep it simple to maintain clarity and readability.

6. Unimportant Jobs

Your resume is not life history. It’s a marketing document designed to showcase your qualifications and experience. Including every job you’ve ever held can make your resume congested and distract from your most recent and relevant experiences. Older roles that are unrelated to your current goals may reduce the impact of your resume. Focus on relevance. When you are listing past jobs, you should know what skills and experiences are most relevant to your target role. If a job from over a decade ago doesn’t contribute to your overall message, it’s acceptable to leave it. If you’re applying for a position in Dubai, emphasize experiences that directly relate to the Dubai job market or the job you’re pursuing.

7.   Lies

Lies on your resume can lead to serious consequences. If a company discovers your lies, it can severely damage your image and jeopardize your chances of getting the job. Instead of lying, strategize. If you lack certain qualifications, you should just focus on your strengths and accomplishments. Highlight relevant certifications and professional development courses that showcase your commitment to learning and growth. This approach demonstrates your ability to adapt and your dedication to professional development.


Every single thing in your resume should serve a purpose in telling your value to the employers. By removing outdated and irrelevant components and focusing on the essential details, you can create a resume that can get you a job in Dubai. Making a good resume is a skill, and like any skill, it improves with practice and feedback. You should always consider seeking assistance from a professional resume writing service to make sure your resume is upto the mark for the Dubai job market. We provide both consider resume writing services and CV writing services, so if you are looking for one, Contact us today!